

Vista del Lago High School - Spring 2008


Rachel - Bonnie Antonini
Tom - Mark Stone
First Announcer - Joel Dockendorf
Second Announcer - Zhani Lopes
Third Announcer - Calvin Cooke
Lloyd - Charley Cross
Pooty - Paula Campanella
Roy - James Roberts
Trish - Delaney Eldridge
First Doctor - Amy Verbeke
Game Show Announcer - Joel Dockendorf
Tim Timko - James Roberts
Second Doctor - Julia Beal
Third Doctor - Zhani Lopes
Fourth Doctor - Amy Verbeke
Fifth Doctor - James Holden
Announcer - Kyle Welling
Derelict - Ada Yan
Woman Announcer - Jessica Wells
Sixth Doctor - Julia Beal
TV Host - Delaney Eldridge
Dr. Helen Carroll - .Amy Verbeke
Man in Ski Mask - Kyle Welling
Woman Patient - Jessica Gilbert
Tom Jr - Connor Frenn

Production Team

Directed by - David Harris
Scenery and Lighting Designer - Christina McCollam
Technical Director - Christina McCollam
Costume Designer - Rebecca Redmond
Sound Design - Megan Gorman and Caroline Swanson
Stage Managers - Megan Gorman and Caroline Swanson
Sound Technician - Corey Long
Lighting Technician - Marc Malaspino
Carpentry and Scenic Painting - Renee’ Eisert, Christi Galela, and Mike Martinez, Morgan Downing, Brianna Hicks
Poster and Logo Design - Marisa Sayago
Photography - Peter Mohrmann
House Manager and Box Office - Alex Nye
Website Design - Steve Grondin


Rimers of Eldritch


Late Night Lake Show: An Evening of Short Plays by David Ives