Recipe for disaster


Folsom Lake College Drama Lab - Fall 2013


Apprentice - Nick Nicodemas
Julia the Bird - Ashlee Barber
Head of School - Sterling Knight
Chef 1 - Matti McKenzie
Chef 2 - Ben Schilling

Production Team

Directors - David Harris
Director of Physical Comedy - Jamie Van Camp
Scenic Designer - Jordan Koerperich
Costume Designer - Nancy Pipkin
Lighting Designer - Brett Barkhe
Music Composer and Performer - Scott McConaha
Puppet Creator - Shaun Carroll
Properties Designers - Matti McKenzie and Ben Schilling
Technical Director - Ian Wallace
Stage Manager - Wade McKenzie-Bahr
House Manager: Jarel Halsell
Asst. Technical Director - Chris Kramer
Master Carpenters - Carlos Llontrop, Cameron Hoyt
Lightboard Operator - Sharon Martinez
Electricians - Jared Halsell and Sharon Martinez
Carpenter - Rick Silver


Spring Awakening


The Crucible